We are committed to making a positive difference in the local community and beyond.
We provide support to those affected by drug or alcohol addiction, domestic abuse, sexual exploitation or sex trafficking. Additionally, we run a youth group to engage younger members of the community. Learn more about our projects and how you can get involved.

Odblokowanie wolności od uzależnienia.
jeślichcesz uwolnić się od uzależnienia od narkotyków lub alkoholu i wiesz, że nie możesz tego zrobić sam,KLUCZE Społecznościowy detoksmoże Ci pomóc.
regeneracja ggrupa
Kiedy gdzie:
W każdą środę, od 19:30 do 21:00 w Park Church, Boughey Road Shelton, Boughey Rd, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2BZ
W każdą środę, od 10:30 do 12:00 w St John's Church, Greasley Rd, Abbey Hulton, ST2 8JE
Tel: 07908 200782

Grupa młodzieży
Nasza grupa młodzieżowa spotyka się co 2-3 tygodnie na pizzę, gry i społeczność, po czym następuje małe studium biblijne, które obejmuje tematy istotne dla młodych ludzi, takie jak szkoła, kościół oraz ich myśli i poglądy na świat._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Cieszymy się, że możemy rozpocząć wspólne czytanie Biblii (RBT), w ramach którego przez 6 tygodni indywidualnie czytamy księgę biblijną, a następnie spotykamy się, aby omówić to, czego dowiedzieliśmy się o Jezusie i nas samych. Nowi członkowie są zawsze mile widziani!
Zapytaj Carla lub Katie w Hope o więcej informacji.

Whispers of Hope
Whispers of Hope works to support and protect victims of domestic abuse or sex trafficking who have no recourse to public funds and immigration issues.
One in four women in this country will experience domestic abuse, and of those who do, many will have no recourse to public funds.

Relume is a new Christian charity in Stoke-on-Trent aiming to help women find freedom and recovery from the harms caused by sexual exploitation and the sex industry. We started a few years ago as an on-street outreach called Yasha, connecting with women involved in street prostitution. We recently registered our charity under the umbrella name Relume so that we could begin reaching beyond the streets and connect with women involved in other kinds of sexual exploitation, commercial or otherwise. We’ve seen again and again that sexual exploitation tends to go hand in hand with other forms of harm such as drug and alcohol addiction, and that all too often it’s rooted in issues such as adverse childhood experiences or other kinds of trauma. So we’re thrilled to partner with other ministries like KEYS (drug and alcohol recovery support) and IMAGE (pregnancy crisis and post-abortion counselling), who together with us want to bring new avenues of hope to women who have struggled to find freedom and healing for their wounds.
Over time, God willing, we hope to see a vision fulfilled of having a property of blended ministries, where the Lord will ‘restore the vineyards’ of bruised and broken women (Hosea 2:14-15) and where His name will be loved.
For more information, speak to Catherine. You can also get in touch with Relume by e-mail: info@relume.org.uk or via our website www.relume.org.uk

Bikers Church exists primarily, but not exclusively, for bikers, their families and communities. By placing bikers at the heart of all we do, we are able to present Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour amongst those who have, like us, found great personal fulfilment on two wheels and take pleasure in the fellowship of other motorcyclists.
Bikers Church in Stoke-on-Trent is a new regular event on the 3rd Sunday of the month starting at 6.30pm. The venue is St. John’s Church & Welcome Centre, 30 Greasley Road, Abbey Hulton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST2 8JE.